Thursday, May 20, 2010

Vanessa Williams joins 'Desperate Housewives': Rejoice, then brainstorm some character ideas!

Kudos to ABC for the smartest move of the yet-to-be-hatched 2010-2011 Desperate Housewives DVD season. Nope, I’m not talking about picking up The New Adventures of Old Christine from Desperate Housewives DVD set — hasn’t happened yet, and probably won’t, according to Ausiello — but rather for adding Vanessa Williams (multiple Emmy nominee for the Desperate Housewives DVD boxset’s recently departed Ugly Betty) to the cast of Desperate Housewives DVD. “ABC is infinitely smart to keep her in the fold,” my colleague Tanner Stransky (Desperate Housewives seasons 1-5 DVD boxset’s resident Housewives recapper) emailed me. “They’re awesome about keeping talent they like around.”

Smarter still, the addition of the delectable Ms. Williams breathes instant buzz into a Desperate Housewives DVD show that, six seasons in, has settled into the role of comfortable Sunday night companion, but ranks pretty low on the Desperate Housewives DVD set flow chart. Now, of course, the question arises: What kind of role do we want to see Williams play? And how do we make sure she avoids getting Alfre’d (the Desperate Housewives DVD boxset that befell Alfre Woodard, Dana Delany, and Drea de Matteo — high-profile Desperate Housewives seasons 1-5 DVD boxset additions whose roles started strong and eventually turned to little more than suburban lawn mulch)?

Here’s my suggestion: As much as I want Desperate Housewives DVD to bring the patented bitchery of Desperate Housewives DVD boxset‘s Wilhemina Slater to Wisteria Lane — can you imagine the high comedy of seeing Willie take a golden parachute from the Meades and land smack in Desperate Housewives DVD set? — an actress of her caliber probably isn’t interested in getting typecast. So how about casting Desperate Housewives DVD as a big-shot financial planner who moves from Wall Street to join Carlos’ firm, then lures her neighbors into unwittingly investing in a Ponzi scheme that brings them all to the brink of financial ruin? Williams’ housewife could be frenemies with Desperate Housewives DVD set, forge an instant working-girl connection with Bree, and perhaps activate Lynette’s competitive side when she realizes she’s not necessarily the fiercest businesswoman on the block. Plus, the role wouldn’t waste Williams’ talents at rocking outrageous couture. And naturally, Desperate Housewives DVD boxset’ character would carry on a torrid affair with Mike Delfino –’cause it’s time the most boring household in Fairview got rocked by something harder than unpaid plumbing bills.

What think you, Housewives fans? Does the addition of Desperate Housewives DVD make you more interested in ABC’s aging soap? And how exactly would you cast the newcomer? Sounds off in the comments below!

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