Sunday, May 9, 2010

Desperate Housewives – Episode 6-21 Review

Why hello there viewers! I welcome you to another review of the sixth season of Desperate Housewives DVD. This is episode twenty-one.

Spoiler-free zone:

The season of Desperate Housewives DVD set is almost over, and everything seems to be in place for the two episodes that will follow. Most of the storylines progressed and by the end of the Desperate Housewives DVD boxset, not one but two bad guys were living in the lane.

Spoiler zone:

Susan’s and Gaby’s story where merged together in this episode of Desperate Housewives DVD. When Gaby found out, through Carlos’ co-worker, that Mike had borrowed money from Carlos, she went to Susan’s house to see how she was doing. However, when Susan showed Gaby an expensive piano (which Susan had inherited but told Gaby that Mike bought it for her) Gaby snapped at Desperate Housewives seasons 1-5 DVD boxset, thinking that she had spent Carlos’ money on a piano. When both of them realised what was going on, they decided to mess around with their husbands a bit (mainly because they kept a secret from them). After a dinner, were Carlos was accused of sleeping with Susan and Gaby began to cry in front of Mike, the jig was up and the girl’s confronted their husbands. The whole dinner scene was quite fun to watch. It’s always a guilty pleasure watching the Desperate Housewives DVD act immature and school-like. In the end, Mike told Susan all of the money he owed, and Susan was left trying to pay the bills.

In Desperate Housewives DVD set’s story, Sam is starting to look more and more suspicious. Bree sees him ignoring some lady at the store, and when Bree questions that woman, it turns out it was Sam’s mother. We then find out that Sam’s mother was (Desperate Housewives DVD boxset) not dead and that he had a really bad relationship with her because apparently Rex had sent a note saying that he wanted custody of Sam (which his mother said no to). When Bree confronted Sam, he got mad and broke a vase. The Desperate Housewives DVDstoryline ends with Bree forgiving Andrew and admitting that she is now scared of Sam. I’m really excited to see what happens next. Sam was a small but fun little mystery and I hope it ends that way.

In Desperate Housewives DVD set’s storyline, we get to see how life in her house is with Eddie amongst them. As you might have guessed, it is not a very stable lifestyle. He first freaks out and attacks Porter for calling Lynette a “Desperate Housewives seasons 1-5 DVD boxset” and then tries to contain himself when Tom yells at Lynette. Lynette, however, insists on keeping him because she herself was raised with an alcoholic mom and thus she felt for him. Tom, though, suggested that Eddie should go to therapy and when he did, the therapist told Lynette that he needs to see his mother in order for him to deal with Desperate Housewives DVD more effectively. Of course, when Lynette knocked on his mother’s door, there was no answer (because as we all know, she is dead). A neighbour told Lynette that she hasn’t seen Desperate Housewives DVD set’s mom in quite some time, which leaves Lynette, worried. This mystery is ready to reach its conclusion which looks very promising. I hope that the writer’s keep this storyline till the season finale, and don’t end it in the next episode of Desperate Housewives DVD boxset.

In Desperate Housewives DVD’s story, Patrick proves to her (and to us) that he is up to no good. At the first minutes of the episode, we see him running over Nick Bolen, leaving him injured and in the hospital. Nick warns Angie that she should run away with Danny, but Angie refuses and simply sends Danny away to some camp thing as she stays by Desperate Housewives seasons 1-5 DVD boxset’s side. However, since Nick is staying at the hospital, Angie is home alone. So when she returns home, Patrick is there, threatening her and then asking her to stay at her house. Having Nick in the hospital, and Danny outside the lane and alone, she is forced to say yes. Thus, Desperate Housewives DVD’s era on the lane has just begun!

So, in conclusion, while not all hell broke loose in this traditional “Desperate Housewives DVD boxset” episode, everything is set up for what seems to be, and explosive finale.
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