Thursday, May 6, 2010

Grey's Anatomy' recap:Captain Hook

More babies on the brain this week, which I like — Grey's Anatomy DVD is growing up with its audience (or at least the audience members who are Meredith and company's age cohorts), and babies should be on the brain. I suspect that will continue, at least in a thematic sense, until this season's finale of Grey's Anatomy DVD set, even though we did get the one actual baby — Mark's grandson — out of the way in this episode, born in the first few scenes and handed off by the show's end to adoptive parents. This week, on 18 and Pregnant and the Daughter of a Guy Who Works at Seattle Grace....

The other grown-up theme of the night was job security, namely Grey's Anatomy DVD boxset. Though it should be noted that more than just Kim Raver's future as an actress was at stake here — no less than Seattle Grace's heart was in play. Or at least its chief cardiothoracic surgeon, a job that's been quite the problem for this place. An apparent god named Thomas Evans was in town scoping out the job, though we learned of his awesomeness namely through hearsay so as to not get too attached to him. (I knew he was no threat simply because I had heard nothing of his casting, which, in much-reported Grey's Anatomy seasons 1-5 DVD boxset land, means he can't be that important. Alas.) We learned that he had great bedside manner when he told an older lady she'd be taking the stairs instead of the elevator in no time, and we learned that he was a wonderfully encouraging teacher when he took Grey's Anatomy DVD right under his wing. Enough said.

The medical case that would ultimately test Teddy's staying power: a guy who'd been out fishing with his son and came in with a shark hook through him. (Also an overexposure problem for this show: the fact that ABC Grey's Anatomy DVD set all the highlights of the medical cases in its promos. By the time I saw this in the actual show, I wasn't that excited — I was just anxious to get on with it already.) His kid had apparently accidentally let go of the rope and thus the hook grabbed Dad, who was (Grey's Anatomy DVD boxset) cranky about it. He blamed the kid, and that resonated particularly as Mark cradled his obscenely adorable newborn grandson across the hospital. I mean, time stopped whenever this kid was on the screen. So much so that Grey's Anatomy seasons 1-5 DVD boxset was suddenly considering keeping him, and Mark was offering to let her stay with him indefinitely.

This all rattled baby-hungry Callie, of course, Grey's Anatomy DVD, by extension, anti-baby Arizona. I do appreciate the show's never-ending supply of strong, independent ladies ambivalent about maternity and marriage. Grey's Anatomy DVD setIn a world full of movies about women whose entire life goal it is to have a wedding, we can use all of those we can get. Eric Dane got to do some real acting in this storyline, too — a welcome change for him. Nonetheless, Arizona's point — personal or not — that adoption was the way to go with Sloan was soon proven when Sloan had an alarming Grey's Anatomy DVD boxset over the baby crying when it turned out he really did just need to be fed.

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