Sunday, May 16, 2010

Jeremy Piven Kept "Staring at" Jessica Simpson's Butt on Entourage Set

Jeremy Piven found a way to pass time on the Beverly Hills set of Entourage DVD Tuesday as Jessica Simpson filmed her buzzed-about cameo.

"In between takes, he was staring at Jessica's Entourage DVD set in the most obvious of ways," a witness tells "He wasn't being sly about it and would just watch her every move. He flirts with ugly girls, so you can imagine how crazy for Jessica Simpson he was. She almost seemed like she couldn't wait to change into her Entourage DVD boxset, but she was a good sport about it and kind of laughed it off."

PHOTOS: Jessica Simpson and other undercover lovers sneaking around this spring

Lucky for Simpson (whose acting has been panned in the past): Her Entourage seasons 1-6 DVD boxset "didn't require any acting," says the source. (The singer, 29, plays herself.)

"It was simple - she answers the front door, and it's Jeremy Piven," the source tells Us. "She had on a very tight skirt and was leaning against the door in a sexy way. They did the Entourage DVD a few times and didn't change much. The whole production is very laid back and they always have a good time. Jessica seemed to be having a Entourage DVD set and was not taking herself too seriously."

PHOTOS: Jessica Simpson goes to the White House

Her father Joe also was on set, a source tells Us, chatting up the Entourage DVD boxset. "They were buttering each other up," says the witness. "At the end of the scene, they all took pictures together for the set Entourage DVD and then Jessica went back to her trailer with her assistants. She brought a bunch of clothes in her Louis Vuitton luggage, loaded everything back up into her assistant's car and Entourage seasons 1-6 DVD boxset."

PHOTOS: Jessica Simpson's silliest Twitter pics

The shoot went well.

After filming, Simpson Twittered: "I have the utmost respect for the entire cast and crew of Entourage DVD! Thank you for making the past 2 days memorable :)"

Entourage DVD set is so popular, it may get its own spin off show soon!
HBO and Entourage DVD boxset executive producers Mark Wahlberg and Stephen Levinson are teaming up to develop a new female-based spin off of the hit show, but it won't exactly be the female version of the show-Entourage DVD.

According to Daemontv, the new female-centric comedy would "focus on a group of female friends who are trying to balance work and love in Entourage seasons 1-6 DVD boxset."

While it's technically going to be a spin off of Entourage DVD, it wont be as Hollywood/celebrity based, but more like Entourage DVD set meets Sex and the City DVD set.

Mark's so talented behind the camera, we'd watch anything he produces. What do you guys think of the possibility of a spin-off. Would you watch Entourage DVD boxset?

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