Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Smallville: "Charade" Review Maxwell Lord makes his debut.

April 25, 2010 - Another Smallville DVD, another cute little outfit for Lois Lane to parade around in. "Charade" focuses on the shaky love triangle between Clark, Lois and the Blur. For Clark this is obviously a strange situation as he desperately wants to reveal to Lois who he truly is but ultimately fears for her safety. Smallville DVD set, consider this. Lois does a fantastic job getting herself into trouble without knowing the Blur's true identity and she will continue to get herself into trouble without knowing the Blur's true identity. Both Clark and Chloe know this. As much as these, "I can't tell her my secret identity" storylines are great for building romantic tension, they usually end up feeling fairly unrealistic.

Worst-case scenario: Clark tells Lois his Smallville DVD boxset and she continues to put herself in dangerous situations. Nothing changes except Clark and Lois live happily ever after. Don't get me wrong, I'm not just ragging on Smallville Seasons 1-8 DVD boxset for this. I've seen it in just about ever superhero story in which someone must protect their secret identity to protect the ones they love. when the ones they love are getting themselves in trouble every issue/week. In the case of Smallville DVD it's just frustrating because we've been through this storyline on more than one occasion. It took Clark years to open up to Lana.

Despite the concept being fairly hackneyed, this unusual love triangle does a pretty good job of highlighting the problems in the Lois and Clark relationship. Clark's alter ego, "The Smallville DVD set", is the ultimate mystery boy handed up on a silver platter. Everyone loves a good mystery and many want to be involved in something greater than themselves. With the Blur, Lois had both and Clark finds a competitor in himself.


It was great seeing how the outcome of the Smallville DVD boxset episode's events had changed the view they each have of their relationship. Despite knowing he's playing second fiddle to Metropolis' Man of Mystery, Clark soldiers on as the boy scout he is, creating an elaborate romantic dinner for Lois. Just like he always does, Clark tries to make lemonade out of the lemons he's been handed. He's already trying to do this with Zod.

Suffering from her "Smallville Seasons1-8 dvd boxset" with the Blur, Lois is now questioning her very feelings for Clark. It's interesting to see how much her feelings evolved over the course of the episode. She was thrilled at the thought of finally saying the "L" word to Clark at the beginning of the Smallville DVD. I think this may soon prompt the break that these two characters really need. It wouldn't be wise to drag out their relationship from this point onward. Break them up and give them a reason to trust each other again.

The introduction of Maxwell Lord (Smallville dvd set) has ignited my interest in the Checkmate storyline once again. It would have been interesting to see him introduced as a friend of the budding Justice League who he'd eventually turn against, but with time running out on the Smallville Seasons 1-8 dvd boxset it's probably best just to jump into his sinister agenda.

The reason I'm so excited by the introduction of Maxwell Lord is due to the fact that he's a potential game changer. Even with recent big events, like the introduction of Checkmate and Zod regaining his powers, I fear some of the character arcs are starting to grow stagnant. Chloe's "Smallville dvd" storyline, while interesting, has been spinning its wheels for weeks, meanwhile, the Clark and Lois story is retreading familiar issues with trust that we've already seen in Clark's previous relationship.

Maxwell Lord is a good opportunity to shake things up. When he killed Blue Beetle in the DC Universe it was a controversial yet necessary decision. It shook the very foundation of the big three (Smallville dvd set, Batman and Wonder Woman) and incited change. Smallville gave this a shot last year when they killed off Faux-Jimmy Olsen. That didn't quite have the desired effect. Maybe Lord putting a bullet in someone's head is what this show needs going into its final season.

The emphasis on the S-Shield during the Lord/Clark confrontation was very well done. Without "Smallville dvd boxset" on the show, it's important to establish that symbol whenever possible. Having the S-Shield stand out as it did also made the ridiculous Blur outfit look a little more Kryptonian. The shield takes the emphasis away from the fact that Clark just throws on a black trench coat and shirt for his superhero costume.

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