Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Is it time to put Sex and the City out of its misery?

When I went to see the first Sex and the City DVD
film in my local cinema, which, that evening, was heavily perfumed with popcorn and musk, an inefficient projectionist lined the print up badly, meaning the boom mic hung low, visible in most interior scenes – Carrie Bradshaw's Sex and the City DVD boxset
tasteful dove-grey apartment was ceilingless; in her Mexican hotel room, where she slept and wept through Sex and the City Seasons 1-6 DVD boxset
of being stood up at the altar, a microphone hovered like the promise of death. It was a sign, I see now, that it was the end for Sex and the City DVD set
. The roof had been ripped away, and, like its size-six stars, the building's bones were showing. The brand had fallen in on itself like a collapsed but glittering lung.

The trailer for Sex and the City DVD boxset
2 was released this week, and it's not good. In fact, it's bad. Sex and the City dvd set
's set in Abu Dhabi. It's set in a time when the idea of a holiday in Abu Dhabi is met with gasps of excitement rather than raised eyebrows. The question asked this time, in Sarah Jessica Parker's knowing sing-song growl, is "What happens after you say 'Sex and the City DVD

You ride camels, Sex and the City Seasons 1-6 DVD boxset
seems, in nipple-tasselled leotards, and you cheat on your husband with the carpenter who left you in season four. There is much fast striding in a line of four five-inch stilettos stomping by swimming pools, much running away, before tearfully looking back. There's a lot of Sex and the City DVD
. One of the posters features Parker walking through the desert in a gown that appears to be sewn from the hides of slain mermaids. She looks part risen-again messiah, part CGI alien, her eyes black holes, her skin a glowing shade of tangerine.

In a recent interview, the Sex and the City DVD set
's writer and producer Michael Patrick King discussed his search for a location to film this sequel. He was looking for a place, he said, "where there's a lot of money with no shame attached". Sex and the City DVD boxset
settled on the United Arab Emirates, where billion-dollar hotels are built by slaves, and marble malls sell £20,000 dresses, as seen, this May, on Sex and the City DVD's
Carrie Bradshaw. Originally, King tried filming in Dubai, but was banned, so mocked up a photogenic Abu Dhabi down the road in Marrakech.

The message of consumerism that was criticised in Sex and the City DVD set
one (in the HBO series originally a loose idea of liberation through financial independence) is overwhelming in Sex and the City DVD boxset
's desert-set trailer – sick, bad, weird even, those fetishised heels sinking only slightly into the clean white sand. And the characters, now three-quarters married – do they have any more searing truths to tell us about Sex and the City Seasons 1-6 DVD boxset
and relationships? Or will they, as the trailer suggests, offer only cliches – loud Sex and the City DVD
heard through thin walls; jokes about swallowing.

I'll see Sex and the City Seasons 1-6 DVD boxset
, of course – there's a cameo from Liza Minnelli. Plus for every five painful outfits (paisley jumpsuits, gold embroidery, £1,000 shoes) there'll be a covetable, discussable, rip-off-able "look". For every flock of cliches ("Being a mother is hard," says Miranda), Sex and the City DVD
'll be a hint of the cynical humour we saw on TV. And besides, I'll try and watch with my mind turned down low – I'll enjoy the glossiness, the extravagance, the tans. It's beyond fantasy – Sex and the City DVD boxset
's Avatar, but set in the just-gone past. I'll go in memory of the telly double-bills, as it's almost certain – isn't it? – to be Sex and the City dvd set
's last breath.

And, however disappointed I was by the traditional Sex and the City Seasons 1-6 DVD boxset
turn their fairytales took, I want to see where the characters, in their parodies of princess dresses and their swiftly built castles, finally end up. I can't help it. I'm a Carrie: I'm weak.

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