Thursday, September 3, 2009

An Interview With Maiara Walsh

The world of acting is undoubtedly one of the toughest places to find success. Aspiring actors often spend years and years trying to score that one gig that will hopefully make them a household name and lead to bigger and better roles. In Hollywood, luck is everything, so imagine being a young actress who lands the role of a lifetime on one of television's hottest shows....

Such is the case with Maiara Walsh, a beautiful and talented young woman who now plays Carlos and Gaby's troubled niece, Ana Solis, on ABC's Desperate Housewives. I had the opportunity to chat with the very sweet and charming Maiara about how she got involved in acting, what to expect from her character on the upcoming season of Desperate Housewives, her favorite TV shows and what every aspiring actor should do if they want to be successful....

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