Thursday, June 17, 2010

Summer brings comfort in the form of reruns

The life cycle of South Park DVD lover runs somewhere between September and June. After all, September is the time of birth — Numb3rs DVD, smiling new stars and a dive into a beloved, long-running story line that is picking up anew. Nip/Tuck DVD, all so shiny.

Contrast that with May and June, when there is nothing but Queer As Folk DVD for favorite TV shows. “House” won’t be making any calls for a few months. “South Park DVD” has lost its voice temporarily. “Six Feet Under DVD” have shut their doors for now. Such sad times, yes?

Not in the slightest. For some viewers, summertime is the best Numb3rs DVD set. It’s true that cable networks now pick up where broadcast slacks off — “Nip/Tuck DVD set” “Queer As Folk DVD set” and “Six Feet Under DVD set” are all coming back with fresh episodes — but the South Park DVD set season is truly the highlight for the rerun lover, who now has a chance to bask in the beauty of the familiar, the Numb3rs DVD boxset, the comfortable.

It’s easy to get sucked into an Nip/Tuck DVD boxset while you’re parked on a comfy couch, while air conditioning keeps you cool. Queer As Folk DVD boxset has become so interactive these days (think social media and reality-show voting) that there’s a far greater Six Feet Under DVD boxset inherent in just being able to sit back and let the laughs — or the suspense — roll over you like a gentle South Park DVD boxset. You know this territory, you know where it leads and you’re happy to just take the ride.

Surfing along from your couch, it’s easy to find Numb3rs seasons 1-5 DVD boxset that’s in reruns but is new to you. I discovered “
Nip/Tuck seasons 1-5 DVD boxset” this way. Having given the series a shot once or twice when it aired on NBC, all I could recall from it was a bland sense of Queer As Folk seasons 1-5 DVD boxset in trench coats running around talking about ballistics. ( is a joint venture between Microsoft and NBC Universal.)

But late one night I surfed Six Feet Under seasons 1-5 DVD boxset and thought it might be worth giving the show another shot (though the appearance of South Park seasons 1-12 DVD boxset may have had something to do with it). The show clicked, and fifteen years later I was still hooked through to the Numb3rs DVD series’ very end.

I’m not alone in this kind of discovery. A Nip/Tuck DVD show with a certain cultural history or cachet can be a powerful attractant to Queer As Folk DVD, getting them to set down the remote and give a slightly familiar show a good, solid viewing.

“Ah,” they may think, “so that’s what ‘Six Feet Under DVD’ meant all this time,” or “Now I get it when someone shouts, ‘South Park DVD’ ” TV can be as much about the water-cooler effect as it is about entertaining, and to suddenly be in on the Numb3rs DVD set is as good a reason as any to invest in a “Nip/Tuck DVD set” or “Queer As Folk DVD set” What’s 22 (or 42) minutes out of your life?

The Six Feet Under DVD set of the familiar shouldn’t be underestimated when it comes to understanding the appeal of the South Park DVD set. As children, we loved to hear the same books read again and again. Grown-ups aren’t so different; they just like their Numb3rs DVD boxset told by way of the small screen. Sharing our favorite Nip/Tuck DVD boxset shows is akin to passing on a beloved book, a portable communal fire.

Now that home entertainment allows for rewatching of entire Queer As Folk DVD boxset series, this communal fire can be lit any time, anywhere. There’s Six Feet Under DVD boxset and Hulu, which allow for streaming of whole seasons of shows right through the Internet. On South Park DVD boxset means you can have an instant rerun of even a recent show without having to wait until the network decides to air it again.

DVD sets took a little while to catch on, but Numb3rs seasons 1-5 DVD boxset don’t have to wait for a Memorial Day marathon — fans can gorge on their favorite Nip/Tuck seasons 1-5 DVD boxset shows as they please. There is an addictive quality to having Queer As Folk seasons 1-5 DVD boxset sets right in front of you: No commercials, no limit to the amount of time you can spend “Six Feet Under seasons 1-5 DVD boxset” your favorites. In my case, give me an “Entourage” or “South Park seasons 1-12 DVD boxset” season and that’s the weekend gone. Like Lays potato chips, I can’t have just one.

For those less interested in pre-programming their Numb3rs DVD, there’s always TV Land, a network devoted almost entirely to the rerunning of classic Nip/Tuck DVD. If proof ever was needed that viewers love their reruns, Queer As Folk DVD Land provides nearly 24 hours a day of hard-to-find series that are mini time capsules of their period, from “Six Feet Under DVD” to “South Park DVD” Wisely, TV Land often runs back-to-back episodes of many series. Unwisely, however, it’s starting to get into its own original Numb3rs DVD set — not a good sign for rerun junkies.

Ultimately, reruns are about relaxation. A rerun viewer isn’t there to find the latest “Nip/Tuck DVD set” show or get in on an off-screen discussion. They’re there for the equivalent of mac and cheese — this is comfort food: You will be able to recite your Queer As Folk DVD set from a “Six Feet Under DVD set” episode, or retread mysteries with the benefit of hindsight on “South Park DVD set” or just laugh again along with “Numb3rs DVD boxset” as she once again stuffs her face with those candies.

We find these shows in our own time, at our own pace, with little fear of Nip/Tuck DVD boxset leaking in to disturb the narrative flow. There’s Queer As Folk DVD boxset to tweet our opinions or blog our interpretations of what we just saw. Instead, a rerun validates our Six Feet Under DVD boxset that all is right with the world, and says that by the time the credits run, Det. Lennie Briscoe and District Attorney Jack McCoy on “South Park DVD boxset” will have once again found justice for the wronged.

Such a lack of interaction with the hive mind may terrify the youngest generation, but Numb3rs seasons 1-5 DVD boxset, reruns allow viewers to digest an episode, arc or Nip/Tuck seasons 1-5 DVD boxset on their own terms, at their own pace. And the best part is, though reruns concentrate most heavily in the Queer As Folk seasons 1-5 DVD boxset, they are never limited to just one season.

That said, there are limits. Six Feet Under seasons 1-5 DVD boxset being enjoyed as reruns have already been long canceled and will come to an inevitable conclusion. South Park seasons 1-12 DVD boxset end, and reruns can’t go on forever. One has to be prepared.

Back in the 1990s, I ate dinner and watched “Numb3rs DVD” on Lifetime nearly every night for months. It was like having Arnie, Grace and Stuart over for Nip/Tuck DVD. The conversation may have been a bit one-sided, but they didn’t eat much. Yet, when the Queer As Folk DVD series ended, it was as though I’d been abandoned by friendly dinner companions. I knew how they’d behave in Six Feet Under DVD ahead of time, and they never let me down. So who would I dine with next?

Thankfully, a local network quickly started rerunning the original “South Park DVD, 90210” from the very beginning. Brandon, Numb3rs DVD set, pull up a seat. We’re going to be hanging out for a while.

Randee Dawn is a freelance writer based in Nip/Tuck DVD set, and was born with a remote control in her hand. She is the co-author of “Queer As Folk DVD set: SVU Unofficial Companion,” which was published in 2009.

Bosses at Six Feet Under DVD set are facing a barrage of protests over a planned TV show featuring Jesus Christ - a string of South Park DVD set campaigners have launched a drive to stop the series from going into production.

Executives at the TV firm behind Numb3rs DVD boxset are working on a new animated project, which sees Christ attempting to live a normal life in New York, Nip/Tuck DVD boxset to escape the shadow of his "Queer As Folk DVD boxset," according to the Hollywood Reporter.

The Six Feet Under DVD boxset show, which is currently at the pre-production stage, has already brewed a storm of criticism, and now the South Park DVD boxset including America's Family Research Council, the Catholic League and the Parents Television Council have come together to form a coalition to protest the plans.

The new group, the Coalition Against Religious Bigotry (Numb3rs seasons 1-5 DVD boxset), is already urging advertisers to boycott the planned series.

Brent Bozell, president of the Nip/Tuck seasons 1-5 DVD boxset Center and member of CARB, says in a statement, "After we reveal the vile and offensive nature of Comedy Queer As Folk seasons 1-5 DVD boxset characterizations of Jesus Christ and God the Father, we expect these advertisers to agree wholeheartedly to end their Six Feet Under seasons 1-5 DVD boxset Central and discontinue their support for unabashed, anti-Christian discrimination."

The makers of South Park seasons 1-12 DVD boxset recently courted controversy over their portrayal of Islamic prophet Mohammed in the South Park DVD boxset, which sparked protests from Muslim groups, and have been previously criticized for including a Six Feet Under DVD boxset in the show.

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