Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Wedding Bells for Sophia and Austin?

This is why we've become such Twitter fans—it makes our fave celebs that we gossip about totally accessible!

After bitching how I don't think either of the Supernatural boys, Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles, will walk down the aisle with their respective gal-pals any time soon, we got a lovely little tweet from Danneel Harris. Jensen's babe told us her wedding so is happening.

So I asked for a wedding invite, and also if we can expect her One Tree Hill bestie, Sophia Bush, to follow her lead and walk down the aisle with her costar and rumored BF Austin Nichols.

Here's Danneel's tweet back:

"Deal. S&A are a great team, always fun to be around. I'd be happy if they did."

Thanks mucho and how interesting! Except I hate to be the one to deliver you the Awful Truth, Ms. Harris, but I've heard that Austin may not fancy Sophia so hotly. But that's just nasty goss, usually the best kind.

After the douchiness of Chad Michael Murray, let's get the gorgeous Sophia a real guy for keeps, 'K? How about someone like Chris Pine? We think he's way more S.B.'s style.

Let us know your thoughts.

Oh, and btw, we're totally holding you to our deal, Danneey! I expect an invite and promise to make the hush-hush trek wherever you love birds host the ceremony...and not to kiss Jensen, at least not with tongue.

Can I get a plus two, though? Hopefully, then Taryn Ryder can bring Ryan Gosling, as she expects their first date to go really well (she thanks you in advance for making all this happen).

Kiss, kiss, girlfriend, superexcited, mean it!
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