Sunday, January 31, 2010

The Apprentice is the fav program that I love

The Apprentice DVD set basiert auf den Ergebnissen des Sprechens auf, auch wenn in der Analyse eindeutig und logisch gezogen Debatte beredt, wenn Sie nicht geführt werden, dann sind Sie möglicherweise nicht mehr.

Jeder in das ausgewählte Team, und haben ihre eigenen Stärken und Schwächen, Team-Mitglieder können die für die Mitglieder erhalten, dürfen nicht zur gleichen Zeit bedroht fühlen, ist sehr schwierig, das Gleichgewicht. "Die Prinzen" in der Löwe und der Fuchs erschien auch für das Team und aus der Debatte zu führen, müssen als entscheidende und stark wie ein Löwe, sondern auch als ein Ziel, wie ein Fuchs, und dicke Haut zu loben, die Team-Mitglieder zu diskutieren Trump betreffen werden. Stärken und Schwächen der menschlichen Natur im Programm, die Szene zu der gleichen Zeit, eine Kombination aus Wissen und Handeln zeigen, hat auch mir erlaubt, das Glück, Geld zu verdienen zu sehen.

Der erste aus einer Promotion und den MBA-Abschluss für übergewichtige Kinder, das kann er nicht, wie, wie ein Fuchs in der Gruppe, nicht wie die Löwen versuchen, seine ruhige, aber auch mit der Bildung selbst, ist die Beseitigung der Hand.

Amy hat der ersteren ist eines der besten Ergebnisse, ist eigentlich aus dem Weg nach draußen zu einem Vorstellungsgespräch von den irrationalen (MBA wird Prüfer verführen eher über Lippenbekenntnisse hinausgehen und leckte Gesäß bewegen). Bill und Amy für mehr zeigt, dass das Bild der Fuchs, die beide sehr klug, keine Chance finalen Showdown ist schade. Die Kwamme zeigte weder Fuchs noch ein Löwe zeigt die Eigenschaften der Aufzeichnung ist nicht in Ordnung, mehr über den endgültigen Aufführungen verlassen. Season Champion Sean und die sechste Saison Gewinner Stephanie auch mehr Leistung wie der Fuchs im zweiten Quartal Gewinnerin Kelly, dem repräsentativen Bild eines Löwen in der dritten und vierten Quartal Meisterschaft Sieger Randal ist Kendra.

Im zweiten Quartal vor allem Buch smart und clever Konfrontation, wie Street Smart als das Buch von smart Team Einnahmen Einkommen höher ist. Ich fühle mich und MBA-Studenten rund um den Mangel an Street Smart einige der Qualitäten, wie sich und beschließen, einige schmutzige Arbeit zu tun, so dass das Gesicht auf der Straße schreien, sondern auch schamlos Schlepper Kunden, auch wenn es bedeutet, mit einigen von der Art der Xiasan Lan.

Nach ein paar Quartale sehr ähnlich sind, im Grunde non-stop vorspulen wird bald in der Lage sein zu lesen.

N'a pas lu les 24 DVD boxset

N'a pas lu les 24 DVD boxset 6 saison ne sera pas en mesure de comprendre. .
En fait, je tiens aussi à écrire sur eux-mêmes dans cette figure . .
En bref, un mot, Jack, vous êtes sa mère si cher. . .
Bien que vous souvent par bateau, mais vous ne pouvez pas dessiner belle.
Bien que vous l'argent que Pouriau mai-vous être toujours dégoulinant de cire. . .
Même si tu es belle dans le côté, peut être prouvé que la femme n'est pas tués est un traître. . .
Bien qu'il y ait beaucoup de vos amis de vous aider, faites confiance à vous, vers le président, en baisse à la famille, puis tout le monde meurt,
Je suis responsable que la 24 DVD set heure est le pire ennemi de votre vie.
Je crois même que tu dois être un film dans l'histoire de ce héros les plus tragiques.
Vous n'êtes pas Superman comme posséder Superman. Steel-Xia Hancock considéré comme un oiseau, ils ne sont pas de mentionner en face de vous, je veux dire pour leur souffrance, et vous êtes plus que digne de mention.
Bien que vous venait de terminer six jours, mais six jours, sa femme mourut, sa fille est partie, et
Confiance à leurs propres collègues, ce n'est qu'une Panniu d'autre est morte. (En passant, vous avez tiré et tué le travail au noir pendant longtemps fidèle garde du corps).
Avez-vous déjà le leadership est un terroriste. Plus tard, la direction a été mis à pied, vous remercions de votre président, a été assassiné.
Votre femme vous aime aussi, et mai ses enfants grandir, peut être un successeur aux 24 heures.
Donc, vous avez torturé votre frère était mort (bien que, sous la main de ton père, mais aussi parce que vous vous exposez frère).
Votre frère est le plus grand terroriste? La réponse n'est pas la bonne réponse est que vous Qindie est.
Ainsi, vous mettez votre père est aussi censé de le laisser en morceaux avec un missile pour le gris.
On a parfois Yan Yu, dommage que la beauté est toujours mort bientôt, ou sous votre agoniste.
Quel est votre favori Olivia, a fini par devenir un légume de pauvres.
Renouvellement du mandat de mises à pied à chaque fois, pas d'argent est aussi votre vie, perdre sa vie est aussi à jouer limites, super, vraiment difficile pour vous.
J'ai entendu dire que vous devez commencer à le septième jour, et ne savent pas ce que vous avez à supporter la souffrance,
Je suis vraiment peur du scénario, et six jours plus tard, votre famille, y compris vos amis autour d'accélérer la mort sans issue, ainsi que les gens peuvent mourir? ?
Que Dieu vous bénisse. .

Après le transfert, l'auteur inconnu

1. L'assassiner de Jack Bauer ne sera pas le laisser mourir, ne fera que mettre en colère.

2. Si Jack Bauer et de la chaleur Hit, Nina Meyers sur une maison, et il avait un fusil chargé de deux cartouches, il va tirer sur Nina ... ... deux fois!

3. Si vous vous réveillez le matin, c'est parce que Jack Bauer épargné votre vie.

4. Superman était vêtu d'un Jack Bauer modèle pyjama.

5. Si les goûts quelque chose comme le poulet, ressemble à du poulet, se sent comme le poulet, mais Jack Bauer a déclaré que c'était la viande bovine, alors vous croyez encore que c'est la viande bovine oublier.

6.Jack Bauer ont oublié leurs clés au Fang Naer, lui-même torturé pendant une demi-heure, et finalement me suis forcé à parler de l'emplacement de la clé.

Conch 7.Jack Bauer n'a jamais tort, car la toxicomanie est le résultat de Jack Bauer @ Conch toxicomanie.

8.Jack Bauer mis sur le plein avec un pistolet chargé à jouer à la roulette russe, il a gagné.

9. Quand la vie donne à Jack Bauer pour les citrons, il a utilisé de citron pour tuer les terroristes. Jack Bauer déteste la limonade avait.

10. Osama bin tirer légèrement récemment prévu une trêve, car il a découvert que Jack Bauer est toujours vivant.

11.Jack Bauer jamais tâtonné. S'il ne frappe pas toi, c'est parce qu'il était Shot 12 miles de là, un autre terroriste.

12. Quand Jack Bauer est un enfant, il a forcé sa mère avait fini ses légumes.

13.Simon Says ce jeu ne doit être changé à Jack Bauer dit car si Jack Bauer quoi dire, alors vous mieux suivre le mouvement. (Note: Simon Says est un jeu de groupe, par une seule personne, à titre liminaire, il Yam vous suivez les conseils, mais il dit à Simon, si vous Zuosa, vous ne pouvez pas faire bouillir la mauvaise personne ne sort)

14.Jack Bauer a remporté le Tour de France pour prouver que Lance Armstrong a également Meisha grand. Il a estimé que les bracelets jaunes Dai Dai sont gais. (Note: les gens de la terre savent que le vainqueur du Tour de France Lance Armstrong est un cancer des testicules, des maladies professionnelles. Lance Armstrong Foundation vendre "live bracelets" jaunes puissants pour encourager et aider les jeunes atteints du cancer.)

15.Jack pee Bauer face au vent, le vent changera de direction.

16.Jack Bauer couleur préférée est le genre de terreur rouge d'alerte, sa seconde passion de la couleur est violet (violet), simplement parce que le mot sonne comme «violence» (violence).

17. Si Google est de trouver également, puis elles demandent Jack Bauer mieux.

18. Vous apportez un cheval dans le bord de l'eau, tandis que Jack Bauer lui faire boire.

19.Jack Bauer peut prendre le petit déjeuner de McDonald's après 10h30.

20. En 96 heures, Jack Bauer a tué 93 personnes, a sauvé le monde à quatre reprises, vous avez fait un MC Han?

21. Jésus est mort et vivant dans les trois jours, transférés. Jack Bauer moins d'une heure Gao Ding, et mais aussi de le faire deux fois.

22.Jack Bauer Quelle est la couleur du sang? Pour voir que cette question de la ... ... Il saigne pas.

23. Il ya des gens amnésie se souviennent encore de Jack Bauer.

24. Sun Tzu dit une fois: les faiblesses de l'ennemi et le chaos, l'ennemi est fort en vue de statuer, s'il est Jack Bauer, alors vous TMD morts.

25.Jack Bauer a été à destination de Mars, alors d'où il n'ya pas de signes de vie.

26. Batman est en difficulté, Jack Bauer transporter un signal de détresse.

27.Jack confession Bauer à un seau de jus d'orange, aussi longtemps que deux minutes.

28.Jack Bauer enceinte, parce qu'il a été torturé pour obtenir des aveux sur l'or restant jusqu'à ce qu'elles trouvent hors de la sous-doux, où il est.

29. Dans les mains de Jack Bauer, après 7-interrogatoire minute, Tom Cruise admettre qu'ils sont homosexuels.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

The Apprentice celebrity version

"The Apprentice DVD, Celebrity Edition" (The Apprentice DVD set) announced a new list of entrants. This 14 celebrities will compete in the third quarter as Donald - Trump (Donald Trump) assistant qualifications, and for his foundation Cou section. In the entries, in particular, is worth mentioning is the former governor of Rhodes - Blagojevic (Rod Blagojevich), the governor was arrested on suspicion of corruption and impeachment. His involvement that will make this season's "The Apprentice Boxset celebrity edition of" Discover the many.

Recognized as the most competitive season the contestants is the Oprah Sharon - Augustine Pang (Sharon Osbourne), most of her opponents are all breathing stars, including Cindy - lao phak (Cyndi Lauper), Brett -- Micheels (Bret Michaels), Hurley - Robinson - Peter (Holly Robinson Peete), celebrity chef Curtis - Stone (Curtis Stone), lingerie model Se Lita - Iranian Banks (Selita Ebanks), Xin Bada (Sinbad), athletes Darryl - Situobeili (Darryl Strawberry) and Michael - Johnson (Michael Johnson) and so on.

Like the previous two quarters, Ivanka - Trump (Ivanka Trump) and the small Donald - Trump (Donald Trump Jr.) Will be in the season as his father's right-hand man appeared. Consultant George - Ross (George Ross) will also continue to travel in the new season.

The following is a complete list of contestants this season:

Men's team:

Darryl - Situobeili, former Major League Baseball All-Star

Brett - Michels, pop metal band Poison (Poison) Lead singer

Bill - Goldberg (Bill Goldberg), the former American professional wrestling champion

Michael - Johnson, the Olympic track and field champion

Rod - Blagojevic, former Illinois governor

Sinbad, comedian

Curtis - Stone, star chef

Women's team:

Cindy - lao phak, female singer, composer

Sharon - Augustine Pang, reality show queen

Hurley - Robinson - Pitt, actress and children's books by

Se Lita - Iraq Banks, underwear supermodel

Maria - Kennilisi (Maria Kanellis), American professional wrestling athlete

Carol - Ray Buddha (Carol Leifer), comedian, screenwriter, producer

Shamo Er - Sanders (Summer Sanders), Olympic swimming champion

Friday, January 29, 2010

CSI:Las Vegas actor: I'll never miss Grison

Nella trasmissione imminente di una nuova serie di (CSI: Las Vegas DVD), il capo della squadra (Grissom) sarà ufficialmente di lasciare. Reporter intervistato anche intorno a questo tema l'attore interpreta il ruolo di Gleason (William Petersen).

Negli ultimi nove anni, una media di 21 milioni di telespettatori americani sono stati abituati a vedere in TV ogni settimana CSI: Las Vegas DVD set, leader del team guidato da un paio di membri della squadra per rompere un mistero, Tuttavia, questa abitudine sarà costretto a un fine. Quando si tratta di motivo per cui la decisione di revocare, "CSI: Las Vegas boxset," Peterson è stato così che molti americani sono a conoscenza, e lo ha portato numerosi dramma di soldi e gloria, la Peterson dice: "Io sono ci sono molte ragioni ha deciso di lasciare, il più importante è che io penso che la vita attuale è troppo comodo. Ora, io lavorare insieme molto più facile rispetto al passato, un sacco di cose che non posso partecipare. E anche se non in quanto il lavoro era così difficile, Ho anche ottenere una grande quantità di entrate. e io semplicemente non preoccuparsi di quale giorno perderanno il lavoro, so che fintanto che vorrei, una di nove ricapitolazione anni non è un problema. questo modo di vita così non ho la passione originale, io sono può sentire te stesso come un artista, si sta gradualmente affondando, ma in fondo sono una persona in cerca di sfida, così ho deciso di lasciare. adesso dammi un nuovo entusiasmo e un senso di realizzazione, è il palcoscenico del teatro ".

Ora, Peterson ha per riconquistare la sua linea di lavoro prima di entrare in televisione - attore dramma. Anche se a soli 300 spettatori a partita, ma questo modo di vivere lo rendono più soddisfatti.

In generale, un attore dal ruolo svolto per molti anni dopo, quante sarà un po 'di nostalgia, ma almeno dalla faccia di esso, Peterson, e non c'è un tale sentimento, era lo stesso del gioco, come sempre, cool. "Io non mancherà di Gleason. Per me, la presenza di Gleason come una vita completa. C'è una fine molto all'inizio, ma ora è la fine del tempo. Così non mancherà, spero che il pubblico Non ".

Per gli innumerevoli "Crime Scene Investigation: Las Vegas," un pubblico fedele, la partenza della Gleason è certamente una brutta notizia, ma l'unico consentire loro un conforto lieve Gleason fatto non ha completamente abbandonato hanno lottato per molti anni. Quel che è certo è che in futuro qualche tempo, Gleason appariranno comunque di fronte a un pubblico di

Thursday, January 28, 2010

the 100th episode of supernatural

When the CW Television Supernatural DVD more and more exciting, the drama will also have to usher in their first 100 sets, for which the producers will also provide this landmark set of arrangements for the special one in a good show. Supernatural DVD set

Time flies, "Supernatural DVD boxset" of the producers of this drama could have gone so far surprised that this season's "Supernatural season 4 DVD boxset" by many viewers attention, in order to celebrate the arrival of 100 sets, the producers special arrangements for This set of Gegedien (Dean) to segment large close-up. Supernatural Seasons 1-4 DVD boxset Producer Eric - Kripke (Eric Kripke), said: "We plan to deepen the content of this collection and speak about, we will dig Archangel Michael and the Dean of the relationship." However, Archangel Michael will show how the image of people? This must wait until after the episodes aired before we know.

Logan's comming back

Lecture Charles - acteur Rogan Gregory - Gregory Itzin 24 Seasons 1-6 DVD boxset qui, en vertu de l'Emmy nommés rôle. Comment il sera la huitième saison ensemble Xifen. L'ancien président Charles - Logan a été la dernière fois à la sixième saison était sa femme, Martha -Martha Logan, après avoir poignardé à l'hôpital. Dans l'affaire Di Qiji le début, le public a appris que Logan est encore en vie, mais il a été assigné à résidence à son domicile. Dans la huitième saison, le président sortant, Charles Taylor sera contraint de faire appel à Logan pour aider à son traitement d'une crise diplomatique internationale.

"24 DVD boxset" producteur exécutif Howard - Howard Gordon a dit: "Il ya une possibilité de voir Yi Qien et Cherie - Cherry Jones a joué en face de ces artistes interprètes ou exécutants, ce n'est vraiment accrocheur.

"24 Season 7 DVD boxset", la huitième saison se tiendra Janvier 17, heure américaine,24 DVD set 18 deux nuits PREMIERE 4 heures. Le huitième trimestre de l'histoire se déroule à New York, l'envoyé de paix au Proche Orient Omar - Omar Hassan le risque d'être assassiné, est devenu un grand-père, en restant dans les coulisses de Jack - Bauer avait pour se venger de lui, Battle of Wits avec les terroristes Doo-yong
24 DVD boxset 24 Seasons 1-7 DVD boxset

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Things about 24 that Spanish should know

24 Season 7 DVD boxset de lucha contra el terrorismo "(24 DVD boxset) es un Emmy y un Globo de Oro múltiples para el espectáculo EE.UU., 6 de noviembre de 2001 en la FOX TV EE.UU. estreno. Ocurrió principalmente en la historia de ficción de la lucha contra el gobierno federal de los EE.UU., el terrorismo de la Oficina (CTU) en el archivo. El drama actor Kiefer Sutherland (Kiefer Sutherland) estrellas. octava temporada será el momento de los Estados Unidos 17 de enero 2010 Domingo Unidas de Beijing (lunes 18 de enero Hora) y 18 de enero de decisiones para los cuatro conjuntos de dos noches consecutivas. Un total de 24 Seasons 1-6 DVD boxset series de esta temporada que se emitirá mayo

La línea principal de crear un tiempo real contra el modo de narración el terrorismo

"24 DVD set" alrededor del nombre de Jack Bauer (Jack Bauer) y la lucha contra la Oficina protagonista del terrorismo (CTU Counter Terrorist Unit) en los Estados Unidos para lanzar ataques contra los terroristas. Además, el personal del CAT en el corazón de la relación compleja y diversificada entre Jack y las vidas personales de varios personajes, así como el núcleo del poder estatal de la lucha política es también el tema principal de la historia.

"24 DVD boxset" es un "tiempo real" en la serie de televisión, el tiempo de juego es "tiempo real" en el archivo. Cada estación cuenta la historia de un día, mientras que la descripción de cada episodio de sucesos de ese día cada hora, mientras que la cuarta parte de los 24 Seasons 1-7 DVD boxset fijados en el tiempo de cobertura del día. El comienzo de cada episodio, el programa va a recordar al público ", el siguiente se produce cuando un individuo por algún tiempo." Marque la reproducción temporizador digital frecuente-tac, para recordar a la hora del público a pasar un sub-segundos. Producido en los anuncios de televisión necesidad U. S. Premiere, a excepción de tiempo de publicidad, cada conjunto, de hecho, alrededor de 43 minutos. Ocupados en el momento de la publicidad, la historia es continuar incluso después de la pantalla, pero se define en la parcela no es importante y no se puede mostrar. Esto, junto con el tiempo, la publicidad, cada episodio sólo por una hora.

Temporada de las tareas preparatorias 8:

"24 horas" inmediatamente en marcha la octava temporada de este intenso drama de la belleza, pero informativo para la información dispuesta a hacer un drama de trabajo también está en preparación.

1, el fondo se trasladó a Nueva York en los objetivos de la Cumbre de Oriente Medio

Después de trimestres anteriores, la ciudad de Los Angeles y Washington, como el fondo, el fondo de este drama se trasladó a Nueva York, sino también la sede de las Naciones Unidas. El cuarto de hora de sesiones será de 4 horas de inicio.

Línea de la historia es una mujer presidente de los EE.UU. (Allison Taylor) y el Medio Oriente los países islámicos Kamisitan (Kamistan, país ficticio) del presidente Omar Hassan (Hassan Omar) va a sostener conversaciones de paz, pero Omar Talha Sang ha recibido amenazas de asesinato . , Omar Hassan, a mejor película del año pasado, Oscar "pobres ricos" casa del actor Anil Kapoor (Anil Kapoor) jugar.

2, Jack Bauer tiene sobre la nieta, pero fue forzado a volver detrás de las montañas

Nueva temporada, Jack Bauer se ha retirado, y su nieta en casa y disfrutar de sus nietos, y su hija, Kim (Kim) ha regresado. Pero pronto, él debe volver a ella, porque la seguridad nacional en su totalidad y debe confiar en él.

Salió, no habrá, CTU y Nueva York, División de las personas para investigar el asesinato de Omar Hassan caso.

3, Jack Bauer va a morir? ¿No es este el último trimestre de la octava temporada?

En primer lugar se puede ver claramente, golpeado hasta la muerte de un fortín (Jack Bauer) aún no se ha dado, incluso puede ser la última temporada. Jack Bauer en "24 horas" es casi sinónimo, es necesario que la trama o la experiencia de la audiencia, es poco probable que muera. Y el juego también es claro que la clave para la creación, y Juan no morirá.

La octava temporada puede ser la última. Esto parece más un deber-ver, porque en esta temporada. El contrato es actualmente el octavo trimestre de asistencia. Hay Dijiu Ji? Los fans Opera, por supuesto, se esperaba, pero en última instancia, dependerá de la cuarta parte de sesiones de las probabilidades estimadas y los deseos de la protagonista, Kiefer Sutherland. Escuchar Kou Yi (Chloe), la actriz Malilinen (Mary Lynn Rajskub), dijo que Dijiu Ji depende de la calificación de la octava temporada. Kiefer Sutherland es más abierto, dijo: "Con respecto a la forma operativa de Jack demasiado, creo que el tiempo y el final de la versión de la película es una buena forma".

4, los jugadores sabían lo que los cambios en los que se enfrenta de nuevo?

Jack Bauer, y Kou en Irak, o de hierro situado en el trimestre anterior por el valle-Hing actriz Annie (Annie Wersching) desempeñado por los agentes del FBI Ruiniwoke (Renee Walker) 8 de la temporada es siempre un papel regular.

Que ha jugado en "Forrest Gump" y "soldados de camarón, Mykelti Williamson (Mykelti Williamson) se estrella en CTU de Nueva York Jefe de la Oficina Brian Hastings (Brian Hastings)

"Battlestar Galactica" (Battlestar Galactica), actriz (Katee Sackhoff) jugará CTU Analista de Información Dana (Dana Walsh).

Favoritos del drama estadounidense "The Starter Wife", el actor Chris Diamantopoulos (Chris Diamantopoulos) será interpretado por el nuevo jefe de gabinete del presidente Robert (Rob Weiss)

Little Freddie - Prinz (Freddie Prinze Jr.) en el drama que antes de Infantería de Marina (Cole Ortiz), fue debido a un fuerte deseo de trabajar juntos para seguir a Jack a unirse a la unidad de transporte.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

William Petersen on life after CSI

As he walks into the cafe of London’s Natural History Museum, William Petersen doesn’t turn a single head. With his corduroy jacket and his friendly “How are ya?”, he hardly projects the air of one of the world’s biggest TV stars. Yet for nine seasons, Petersen played the lead role in the world’s most successful TV drama franchise. CSI: Lasvegas Boxset, in which he was Gil Grissom, the head forensic investigator, has spawned two spin-offs – and is seen by tens of millions around the world.

“We’re going off to Paris next,” says Petersen, 56. “In France, the show is called Les Experts – the experts. It’s weird, most places didn’t change the whole title – but they did.” He shrugs, as if to say that whatever French network TF1 does is fine by him – after all, they’re helping pay for his trip to Europe. His wife, Gina, is chatting with his PR at the next table; Petersen has cannily brought her along for the promotional ride. “We’ve been having a good time,” he says. “I took her to the Tower, we’re going to hit the Tate tomorrow. We’ve seen a lot of theatre.”
Petersen himself is an experienced stage actor and, since leaving his on-screen role in Buy CSI: Lasvegas Boxset last year, has returned to the renowned Steppenwolf Theatre Company in his native Chicago. “I hadn’t been able to do any theatre for 10 years because of the show, and I thought, if I don’t do it, I’ll never do it,” he says. “I didn’t want to become afraid to do theatre.” His two roles since leaving CSI – in Conor McPherson’s Dublin Carol, at the Steppenwolf, and David Harrower’s Blackbird, also in Chicago – stretched acting muscles long neglected on the TV show. “It’s a three-dimensional world in the theatre,” he says. “TV is a two-dimensional world.”

Two-dimensional it may have been, but CSI: Lasvegas Season 9 DVD Boxset was Petersen’s world for the best part of a decade. He misses his former colleagues, and he retains an executive producer credit. Though that, he says, means the occasional visit to the set to check all is well, rather than running things. “If I was going to do that, I’d have stayed on the show. The show has to find its own legs, without those of us that have left,” he says, referring to original cast member Gary Dourdan (Warrick Brown), who has also departed.

Season 10 starts on Five on Tuesday, with Catherine Willows (Marg Helgenberger) now the lead investigator. She can only take on so much of Grissom’s paterfamilias role, so Matrix star Laurence Fishburne was brought in when Petersen left to provide a bit of butch gravitas. But his character, Dr Langston, is still learning the ropes as a CSI, and can’t replicate Grissom’s Yoda-esque wisdom. This leads to a very different on-screen dynamic – about which Petersen is diplomatic. “I try to stay out of… I try to do what Grissom would do, which is not judge it,” he says.

What he does lament is the profusion of forensic science shows on US TV, with CSI now having three outlets (including spin-offs Miami and NY) and NCIS two (its spin-off, NCIS: Los Angeles, debuted to huge ratings in autumn last year). “There’s gonna come a time where we’re gonna yearn for Angela Lansbury,” he says. “And we may be there.”

Though he earned a reputed $600,000 (£375,000) an episode, Petersen doesn’t seem to be longing for his days on the CSI treadmill. In person, he’s relaxed and handsome, with a Hollywood bronze tan and striking silver hair. For now, he says, he’s not looking for another network show. Projects must be well-written, not well-paid. “I never did the TV show for money, money’s not the issue,” he says. “I have more money than I ever thought I’d have, and it takes a certain amount of stress off you. I can work at the Steppenwolf and I don’t have to worry about paying my bills.”

If the right project came along, he says he’d love to work in the UK: he speaks fondly of shows such as Prime Suspect. “The Helen Mirren thing was as good as TV gets,” he says, and points out that the procedural format of CSI was very restrictive. “It would be fun to work on stuff that has character in the forefront.”

That’s not to say, though, that Petersen has left Grissom behind forever: one day, he could turn up in London. “We may have to save that for the movie,” says Petersen. “Where we get to deal with some characters from Scotland Yard. Grissom could be on vacation.”

And as William Petersen escorts his wife away to a nice lunch in the West End, that scenario is not hard to imagine. Grissom may be gone for now, but he’s definitely not forgotten.

Apprentice star Nick to visit Marlborough school

Nick Hewer, Sir Alan Sugar’s right-hand man on The Apprentice DVD set , wil be judging studentsv at St John's School in Marlborough at its own take on the show next week.

Mr Hewer, who was born in Swindon, will be at St John’s on The Apprentice DVD set

He was invited to St John’s by student Belle Farman who won the school’s competition in 2009.

Mr Hewer will be given a tour of the new school by headteacher Dr Hazlewood and will then address 300 St John’s students, including sixth form students and business studies and diploma students, before joining the panel of senior staff who will judge the presentations and select the winning The Apprentice DVD.

The school’s The Apprentice DVD boxset competition runs over two days and during that time sixteen Year 10 students will work on a series of challenges before being whittled down to a final two.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Ivana Trump strips for U.K. 'Celebrity Big Brother'

Donald Trump's ex-wife Ivana Trump, 60, stripped down to her designer scanties on British TV's 'Celebrity Big Brother' reality show this week.

Hey, it's all about self-confidence.

The diva wore a matching nude bra and panties, sheer dark stockings and ankle strap gold lame high heels to pose for her fellow contestants to take part in a live modeling art class.

But turns out she's actually an old pro at modeling, having been a model before she met and married the Donald.

You go, girl. Now let's talk about those airplane hissy fits.

What do you think about Ivana's underwear modeling? Wonder what the Donald thinks?
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Worst TV Couples Ever (Looking at You, Sam and Diane) CSI

On hearing from the Ausiello Files that 'Ugly Betty' creator Silvio Horta is steering his leads -- sweetly dorky Betty (America Ferrara) and her womanizing boss, Daniel (Eric Mabius) -- toward romance, our first reaction was "Nooooo!" Although that exact hookup takes place in the original telenovela, that's one romance we just can't -- or don't want to -- picture.

Which got us thinking, what other TV romances were so wrong on so many levels, they've brought down entire shows? Exhibit A: The classic "will they or won't they" pairings of 'Moonlighting' and 'Cheers' that proved chemistry killers once the leads finally got together. Exhibit B: Numerous bad romances that were so ill-conceived, we're still shuddering in horror. We can only hope that no more of our most dreaded hook-ups come to pass. Let this list of romantic roadkill serve as a cautionary tale to TV writers everywhere.
10. Connor and Cordelia on 'Angel'
Why was it so creepy when Cordelia (Charisma Carpenter hooked up with the boss's son, Connor (Vincent Kartheiser)? Because once you've held someone as a baby, it's just not right to jump their bones, even if they matured at super-speed in an alternate dimension. We get that Joss Whedon had to explain Carpenter's real-life pregnancy, but on a show about the supernatural, couldn't she have been knocked up by someone -- or something -- else? (We kinda still get the h.j's watching Kartheiser on 'Mad Men,' even though he's 30 by now.)
9. Nate and Lisa on 'Six Feet Under'
Let's face it, the Fishers always were a self-obsessed, whiny bunch, but once Nate (Peter Krause) decided to marry Lisa, an ex-girlfriend he (and we) couldn't stand after a one-night reunion left her pregnant, the self-pity reached a whole new level. Lisa (Lili Taylor)'s shocking murder wasn't the end of the drama as Nate's drawn-out guilt trip killed what sympathy we had left for the guy. When he goes out to provoke a fight after learning of her death, we would happily have stood in line to land a few punches ourselves.
8. Fran and Max on 'The Nanny'
A perfect example of killing the romantic tension by taking your leads from flirty fun to full-on couplehood. After five seasons of batted eyelashes and brassy banter, over-the-top Queens gal Fran Fine (Fran Drescher) took her oh-so-refined British boss Maxwell Sheffield (Charles Shaugnessy) to the altar in a lavish ceremony. Ratings lagged for the sixth, and final, season, while the newlyweds dealt with in-laws and pregnancies and largely took a backseat to another odd-couple romance, that of Niles and C.C.
6. Gil and Sara on 'CSI: Crime Scene Investigation'
Sure, there were plenty of Geek Love fans who were dying to see Gil Grissom (William Petersen) and Sara (Jorja Fox) get together, but even they were thrown for a loop at the way the hook-up finally happened. Or, rather, didn't. Six seasons in, we learned that Grissom and Sara had already gotten together ... two years ago! We were spared any awkward morning-after regrets, but fans felt cheated and the words "jump" and "shark" were definitely thrown around. Although Petersen is now gone and Fox is an occasional guest, CBS has promised an eventual Grissom-Sara reunion, no doubt, timed for sweeps.
4. Sam and Diane on 'Cheers'
Snobby Diane Chambers (Shelley Long) and working class Sam Malone (Ted Danson) were one of TV's most-celebrated proof of the "opposites attract theory." They got together, broke up, dated other people, and then he proposed about a million times. In the end, Long wanted out of the show and Sam struck up a new delayed-satisfaction flirtation with her replacement, Rebecca (Kirstie Alley). When Diane showed up on the series finale and nearly got back together with Sam, we were honestly relieved when they both realized it would be a terrible mistake.
3. Maddie and David on 'Moonlighting'
This witty detective duo offered old-fashioned repartee like we used to get with Hepburn and Tracy, plus they solved crimes, just like Bogie and Bacall. Those classic pairings were just a few invoked in describing the delicious sexual tension between Maddie (Cybill Shepherd) and David (Bruce Willis). Sadly, while their initial romp on the floor of her living room sizzled, the relationship -- only the foundation on which the entire show was built -- fizzled. A fourth-season reunion was horribly botched: Maddie was also seeing someone else, got pregnant and had no idea who the father was -- hardly the kind of mystery we wanted to watch these two solve. We're not even going to get into the dream sequence featuring the baby-that-never-was.
2. Joey and Rachel on 'Friends'
Rachel and Joey? Can we just pretend this one never happened? Occurring in the 10th and final season, it felt like a last gasp, "Gee who haven't we hooked up yet?" gambit by the writers. Even Rachel (Jennifer Aniston) wasn't totally sold on the pairing: During her first official date with Joey (Matt LeBlanc), she slapped his wandering hands as they began to make out. Joey was confused: Were they on or weren't they? Turned out, not so much. This ill-fated match was mercifully short-lived and served mostly to convince us that the writers had simply run out of ideas.
1. George and Izzie on 'Grey's Anatomy'
George (T.R. Knight) and Izzie (Katherine Heigl) made great friends, but "Gizzie" ruined both characters. It wasn't just that they had no chemistry (as the characters themselves finally admitted), but he was cheating on new bride Callie -- whom, Izzie loudly insisted at every opportunity, he never should have married. And we never got why Izzie decided that George, not dear departed Denny, was the love of her life. Thankfully, this hookup crashed and burned, but during its brief run, we'd grown to hate Izzie. Poor George was left with no love interest and no screen time at all. It seemed right that these two would exit the show at the same moment, but Izzie survived to make another man (hubby Alex), and us, completely miserable.
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Thursday, January 21, 2010

Supernatural season six confirmed!

First it was Smallville, now Supernatural. A couple of days ago we reported that Smallville had been picked up for a tenth season. Industry sources in Vancouver provided CinemaSpy with the tip, indicating that while the official announcement has not yet been made, behind-the-scenes it’s all but a done-deal. Today we’ve been informed that Supernatural, too, has been confirmed with another season, in this case its sixth.
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Mary Lynn Rajskub Channels Mom Experience For 24

This season's scripts are striking a familiar chord for 24 stars Mary Lynn Rajskub and Kiefer Sutherland.

Mary Lynn, who in real life is mom to 17-month-old son Valentine, says of her character Chloe: "When I start, I'm behind at the CTU because I've been at home being a mum. So I have to catch up. It makes the stakes a little bit higher for my character, because she has a kid to worry about. And I have a kid in real life, so it sort of feeds into my work, a little bit."

As for Jack Bauer, the FOX drama's intense lead character has recently learned that he's a grandfather. Kiefer, who is dad to grown daughter Sarah and stepdaughter Michelle, says that it's a plot twist that hits home.

"All of a sudden I've got to go to work and have this four-year-old granddaughter. It just reminded me of my daughters when they were really young," he says. "The granddaughter in the show just made me feel very nostalgic about my children when they were growing up."
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Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Crivitz High School student arrested after threats

Authorities have arrested a 17-year-old Crivitz High School junior for allegedly making threats against the school and students.

Crivitz police say the boy sent several threatening messages to a student, who contacted authorities.

The Marinette County sheriff's department says officers searched the boy's home in the Town of Beaver early Wednesday and seized firearms and notebooks. It says the notebooks contained writings by the suspect threatening the school and another student.

Sheriff Jim Kanikula says potentially serious consequences were averted.

The high school was locked down for 2{ hours Wednesday as part of the investigation.
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Thom Yorke, Damien Rice team up for Tibet documentary soundtrack

After going the Hollywood route earlier this year, Radiohead’s Thom Yorke will soon abandon vampires and Kristen Stewart for Tibet and, more specifically, a new documentary on the country’s ongoing freedom movement, titled When The Dragon Swallowed The Sun. As evident by the documentary’s homepage, the Radiohead frontman has teamed up with Irish singer/songwriter Damien Rice (who most recently could be found busking with Bono), and American music composer Philip Glass for the film’s soundtrack.

The film promises to “show, for the first time, an inside perspective on the Tibetan movement to free Tibet from Chinese occupation, its internal conflicts and contradictions.” In addition to the soundtrack’s high-profile collaborators, the film features Richard Gere, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, and the 14th Dalai Lama, as well as Dennis Haysbert, who narrated the prologue.

Exact release dates for both the film and the soundtrack have yet to be unveiled, but, according to the film’s Facebook, the world premiere is set for early 2010. Check out the trailer here.
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Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Wedding Bells for Sophia and Austin?

This is why we've become such Twitter fans—it makes our fave celebs that we gossip about totally accessible!

After bitching how I don't think either of the Supernatural boys, Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles, will walk down the aisle with their respective gal-pals any time soon, we got a lovely little tweet from Danneel Harris. Jensen's babe told us her wedding so is happening.

So I asked for a wedding invite, and also if we can expect her One Tree Hill bestie, Sophia Bush, to follow her lead and walk down the aisle with her costar and rumored BF Austin Nichols.

Here's Danneel's tweet back:

"Deal. S&A are a great team, always fun to be around. I'd be happy if they did."

Thanks mucho and how interesting! Except I hate to be the one to deliver you the Awful Truth, Ms. Harris, but I've heard that Austin may not fancy Sophia so hotly. But that's just nasty goss, usually the best kind.

After the douchiness of Chad Michael Murray, let's get the gorgeous Sophia a real guy for keeps, 'K? How about someone like Chris Pine? We think he's way more S.B.'s style.

Let us know your thoughts.

Oh, and btw, we're totally holding you to our deal, Danneey! I expect an invite and promise to make the hush-hush trek wherever you love birds host the ceremony...and not to kiss Jensen, at least not with tongue.

Can I get a plus two, though? Hopefully, then Taryn Ryder can bring Ryan Gosling, as she expects their first date to go really well (she thanks you in advance for making all this happen).

Kiss, kiss, girlfriend, superexcited, mean it!
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EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: New Burn Notice S03E10: A Dark Road Clip 24

We have a brand new exclusive clip from the brand new Burn Notice episode entitled A Dark Road, which kicks off the second half of the third season on Thursday, January 21 at 10 PM ET on the USA Network. Click below for our exclusive clip, which features some unique driving and also take a look at a new TV spot for the episode as well.

The third season continues with a Cagney & Lacey reunion, as Tyne Daly guest stars alongside Sharon Gless
. Other guest stars in the second half of season 3 include: Tyne Daly, Clayne Crawford, Chris Vance, Danny Trejo, Jason Vargas, Spencer Garrett, Tim Matheson, Seth Peterson, Rick Kelly, Carlos Bernard, Garret Dillahunt and more. USA will launch Covert Ops: Vegas Heist featuring Seth Peterson (Nate Westen) and will give fans the opportunity to win a car and other prizes.
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Monday, January 18, 2010

Jared Padalecki Engaged to Former Co-Star

Both Winchester boys are off the market.

Supernatural star Jared Padalecki is engaged to his former co-star, Genevieve Cortese, has confirmed.

Jensen Ackles and Danneel Harris are engaged

Padalecki's character, Sam Winchester, and Cortese's character had a notable on-screen romance when she was on the series in 2009. Cortese, 28, currently stars on FlashForward.

News of Padalecki's, 27, plans to walk down the aisle follow in the footsteps of his fictional brother's engagement. Jensen Ackles became engaged to One Tree Hill's Danneel Harris last fall.
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Dov Davidoff In ‘The Point Is’ Comedy Show

LOS ANGELES ( There are very few comedians in the USA who can match the popularity of Dov Davidoff. His comic timing and sense of humor made him popular with his friends even in his college days. He started performing in shows and the audiences loved his live shows. He performed in various club shows across the country as well. However, the comedian has also shown his acting skills in films like “Invincible”, which starred Mark Wahlberg. In the roles that he essayed, the talented actor managed to carve a niche among the viewers. He also performed in a number of TV shows that have added to his growing popularity. That explains why Dov Davidoff in ‘The Point Is’ comedy show had left the viewers in splits.

It is a delight for his fans to see Dov Davidoff in ‘The Point Is’ comedy show and he gives them enough entertainment to laugh their worries off. He has taken part in a number of eminent talk shows like “The Late Late Show”, “101 Celebrity OOPS” of E Network” and “The Tonight Show with Jay Leno” etc.

Dov Davidoff in ‘The Point Is’ comedy show became the flavor of the season for the comedy lovers two years back. He also enthralled the viewers earlier in the “U.S. Comedy Arts Festival” twice, an event held by HBO. Sometimes his comments on the shows border on sarcasm but no one can call his approach offensive or vulgar in the proper sense of the term.

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Thursday, January 14, 2010

Supernatural to Continue with a Sixth Season?

Fans of the CW Network's Winchester Brothers may have another season to look forward to. Entertainment Weekly's Ausiello Files is reporting that Supernatural may have another season left in it, according to CW Network president Dawn Ostroff.

"I think he's in that state of mind," she says. "I had lunch with Eric the other day and he's really excited about the show right now. I think he feels this season has been really satisfying for him. He's certainly not running out of ideas by any stretch of the imagination."

Ostroff also points to the ratings success of the show, which has been growing even in its fifth year.

The ratings are up," she says. "We have more young women coming to the show than ever before. There aren't a lot of shows that you can say are doing better in their fifth year."

Sci Fi Wire reports that Kripke had a "five-year plan" in mind for the show, but, while his contract expires this after this year, stars Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki are signed on for another year as well.

We'll be sure to keep you posted on any news of a sixth season of Supernatural as soon as more information comes in. Supernatural stars Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki, Misha Collins, Jim Beaver and airs on Thursday nights at 9 PM ET on the CW Network.
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Get Interactive with Human Target and 24 with New Fox Experience

As TV viewers prepare for the premiere of Human Target and the return of the two-night Season 8 premiere of 24, Fox is giving fans an opportunity to get in on both the Human Target and 24 action. If you're interested in becoming part of the action-packed block of Fox programming that starts at 8pm on January 17 when Fox airs a special preview of Human Target followed by the first part of the two night Season 8 premiere of 24 at 9pm, check out the details below for a special opportunity.

With the new Human Target and 24 opportunity, TV action junkies can get Jacked and Tracked by Jack Bauer and the CTU team in New York while also becoming a HumanTarget with Christopher Chance, played by former Fringe actor, Mark Valley. Fans interested in the special opp from Fox can click on 24 and Human Target link, punch in the password "action", fill in relevant details, and wait for a phone call. Participants can select between two different experiences after submitting their identity and should pay close attention to the accompanying video for special instructions from Chloe of 24 or Christopher Chance from HumanTarget, who will contact you by phone.

As a reminder, Human Target and 24 participants need to use the password "action" and have the most up to date version of Adobe Flash Player to enjoy the experience to its maximum potential.

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